
Dr. Madan Mohan Reddy MBBS, MS (Ortho.), MD, FRCS
Best Orthopaedic Surgeon, renowned for joint replacements with 36 years experience

Work Experience
- Registrar in orthopedics at St Antoine Hospital, Paris, France, 1995 Nov. - 1996 Oct
- Previous Appointments Registrar in orthopedics at Princes Royal Hospital, Telford, U.K., 1998 Aug to 1999 Aug.
- Registrar in orthopaedics at Bishop Auckland General Hospital, Bishop Auckland, U.K., 1997 Feb. -1998 Jan.
- Registrar in orthopaedics at Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, U.K., 1998 Feb. - 1998 Aug.
- TLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) cmuf.1999-UK
- Present Appointment Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai - From Jan. 2000
- Recent Updates AO Principles of Operative Fracture Treatment- Advanced Course, Davos, Switzerland.
- Latest Advances in Intramedullary Nailing, Chennai, 2002.
- Delta Course for knee replacement, Nepean Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
- Knee & shoulder arthroscopy course, Milan, Italy.
- Fellow in Arthroscopic and Sports Surgery, National University Hospital, Singapore, May 2005 to June 2005.
- AO Principles Of Operative Fracture Treatment - Table Instructor, Chennai, India, July 2005.
- Total Knee Computer-Aided Surgery for Surgeons, Hamburg, Germany. AO Basic case June-2008 Bangalore-Faculty.

- Awarded Gold Medal MS (Ortho) In Post Graduation
- The Best Citizens of India Award (2002)
- Clinical Excellence Award for The Department of Orthopedics, Apollo Group of Hospitals
- Walkers International Honor with The Title - Mahatma Gandhi Fellow
- One Of the Inspiring Orthopedicians of India Award on The Occasion of Doctors Day by The Economic Times
- Clinical Excellence Award for Department of Orthopedics (Excellence In Joint Replacement Surgery In Apollo Chennai, Apollo Aragonda And Apollo Nellore)
- Apollo Hospitals Distinguished Clinician Award.
- Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO) “GAPIO Special Appreciation Award